Thursday, December 11, 2014

Rewarding your employees this holiday season


PRINCETON, December 4, 2014:    A tried-and-true way to increase employee retention and enthusiasm is by implementing a program to recognize and celebrate service anniversary milestones. The key to meaningful retention is actually a very fundamental philosophy: commemorate achievement.  While an annual Service and Employee Recognition initiative is best, it’s not too late to adopt a holiday gift program.

Recognizing career accomplishment helps to align 2 important forces:  that of your team 'on the front lines' and the executive and management group. Service anniversaries are the perfect time to chronicle an associate's contributions over time, whether they are a sales professional with highly visible results, or a behind-the-scenes team player who contributes every day to your company's success. The employee has an opportunity to see how they fit into the organization's overall goals and how their role is integral to the attainment of these objectives. It helps to appreciate the importance of the individual and works to build their career commitment. Importantly, it's a proud moment for the associate to share with family and friends and helps to cultivate extraordinary results.

A recent example is an extensive program that Hamilton designed and implemented for Princeton University. With a comprehensive platform that was completely customized to Princeton's branding posture, Hamilton created a multi-prong outreach that served over 500 employees of the University. From a fully-integrated website complete with user id protection access, print catalogs, and more, Hamilton delivered a range of product from emblematic pins to fine jewelry to timepieces to giftware.

This holiday season, remember to thank the associates who make your business successful every day of the year.

Hamilton Jewelers is a family-owned and operated firm with locations in Princeton and Palm Beach, FL.  Since 1912, Hamilton has provided successive generations of families and friends with impeccable service, value, and selection.  All items are responsibly sourced with care for our environment and our communities. 

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